Understanding Anxiety Disorders: Phobic, Panic, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Explained

Anxiety Disorder:

In anxiety disorder, a person is under stress without any apparent reason. Even though that person has no problem in his or her life; he or she still feels anxious, and this anxiety prevents him or her from day to day tasks. Anxiety disorder has three types: Phobic, Panic, and Generalised disorder.

Phobic Disorder:

Phobic disorder is defined as an extreme level of irrational fear of something that causes stimulus. Even though that thing might not pose a great threat to a normal person, it does pose a great threat to someone with phobic disorder. Sometimes, a panic attack may follow after exposure to the cause of phobic disorder. People with phobic disorder are able to live their lives productively and perform well; however, there are some examples of phobic disorders that prevent people from living peacefully like fear of people, crowds, or strangers. These types of fears completely shut a person from the world and confine them to their homes. Some phobic disorders include: Xenophobia, Electrophobia, Agoraphobia, and Social phobia.

Panic Attack:

Panic attacks can occur and last for a few seconds or even hours. There is no specific reason behind a panic attack; it can occur at any time. Its symptoms include: fast heart beat, an unusual amount of sweating, shortness of breath, gastric sensation, and feeling as if he or she is about to die.

Generalised Anxiety disorder:

People with generalised anxiety disorder feel anxiety for a long term, because of an identifiable reason like family, work, or money. In other cases, the reason is not specific and people feel like something dreadful is about to happen, but they can not explain the reason for it.

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