What is Global Warming? Key Factors and Effects Explained - Causes of Global Warming: Deforestation, Industrialization, and Transportation

What is Global Warming?

Global warming is the long term increase in the temperature of the overall planet. The reason for global warming is an increase in the burning of fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are burned, certain gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are released. These gases are called greenhouse gases. These gases trap the solar radiations, causing the planet to get hotter and hotter.

Some other Reasons for Global Warming:

Deforestation: Due to deforestation, there are not enough trees to absorb CO2 which can increase the level of global warming
Industrialization: Ever since humans have started industries, the amount of CO2 has increased in the atmosphere. So, these industries are one of the major causes of global warming.
Transportation: The vehicles that humans use run on fossil fuels, so the use of the vehicles is also a major cause of global warming. 

This is Another Topic Related to Environmental Science.

Wind Erosion:

It is a natural process in which soil is transported from one place to another by wind. 

It occurs in three ways:

Deflation: Deflation is the process of transporting the soil from one place to another. When soil particles are displaced by wind, it causes the surface to get lowered. In deserts, deflation can form basins that can store water, which are called Oases.

Abrasion: In Abrasion, the minute soil particles crash into big rocks. This collision causes the rocks to erode, as a result. 

Attrition: In Attrition, the particles that are blown away by the wind, collide with one another, causing the particles to further breakdown.

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