Basic Concepts of Islam: Oneness of Allah - Prophethood and Apostleship - Angels - Revealed Books and Scriptures - Day of Judgement

Basic Concepts of Islam

  • Oneness of Allah.
  • Prophethood and Apostleship.
  • Angels.
  • Revealed Books and Scriptures.
  • Day of Judgement.

These basic concepts are unseen matters except for the Quran, which is present today. These concepts are all theoretical and can be proven through discussions or debates.

1. Oneness of Allah

It is logical that the universe is created, and every created thing has a creator. So there is someone who is the creator of the universe. The reason why we emphasize only one creator is because it is also logical that if there were two or more gods then it would cause chaos in the whole universe. As it is also evident from the Quranic verse of chapter no 21, verse no 22.


  • Tuheed comes from wahdat, wahdat comes from wahid, and wahid comes from ahd.
  • Rab meaning sustainer or provider. 
  • Mushrik comes from Sharik, and Sharik comes from Shirk.
  • Monotheism and Polytheism are Greek words. Monotheism means belief in one creator. Polytheism means belief in many gods.

Why can't we see Allah?

The reasons for why we can not see Allah are given below.

  • When we look at the sun, we can not stare at it for long. So, how can we see the creator with these eyes when we can not even see the creation (sun) for a little while.
  • The second reason is also mentioned in the Quran. In chapter no 6, verse no 103 Allah says that no vision can see him. So, no one has been given the power to see him 
  • The third reason for why we can not see him is also given in the Quran in the form of a true incident of Mosa (A.S) in chapter 7, verse 143. When Mosa (A.S) asked Allah almighty to reveal himself so that Mosa could see him. Allah replied no, but Allah told him to look at the mountain on which Allah cast his light. As a result of that light, the mountain (Tooreen) blew into smithereens. So in conclusion, we can not see Allah almighty when the greatest people on earth (prophets) could not see him, so how can we see him?
  • The fourth reason is also given in the Quran in chapter 2 verse 3. In which Allah speaks about those who believe in unseen. Logically, the true belief firmly takes place when we believe in him without seeing him.
  • The fifth reason is logical: if we saw him, our respect and praise for him would stop at a certain point. However, if he remains unseen then our respect and praise for him would forever grow. 

He is one in what? 

Allah almighty is alone in his personality and in his qualities. 
His name is proof of his unique personality. The word Allah is so unique that even if we shorten it, we can not change its meaning. If we take away alif from the word Allah then we have lillah. Allah uses this Lillah word in the Holy Quran in so many places. For example in the last ruku of surah Baqarah verse 284. If we take away (Lam) from the word Lilah then we have "lahu", which is again used by Allah in the Holy Quran chapter 2, verse 255. If we take away another Lam then we are left with " hu", which is also mentioned in the Quran in Surah Hadid verse no 3 to express his might. His unprecedented personality gives him qualities that are unparalleled as well.

2. Prophethood and Apostleship

  1. Nabuwat (Prophethood) is derived from Nabi, plural (Ambiya), and the origin of Nabi is Naba, meaning news giver.
  2. Risalat (Apostleship) is derived from Rasool, the plural of Rasool is Rusul, and the origin of Rasool is Rasal, meaning to send.

Reasons for sending prophets and their need and importance.

  • If there were no prophets then who would introduced to us the holy books revealed by Allah
  • If there were no prophets then who would teach us about halal and Haram things.
  • If there were no prophets then who would differentiate for us those relatives and people from those who we can marry.
  • If there were no prophets then who would introduce to us the lord of the worlds (Allah).

3. Chastity of Prophets

Prophets are all massom (innocent), because Allah saves from any sin. Even though prophets are aware of the sins, they are protected from sins by Allah's will.

Reasons why prophets are masoom:

  • If they committed sins then who would guide us.
  • If they committed sins then Allah would be blamed. 
  • The Quran says that all prophets are pious from birth.
  • All the actions done by prophets are commanded by Allah Quran chapter 27.
  • Angels are on both sides of the hearts of the prophets and they do not have a devil in the heart to misguide them.

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