How to improve writing skills? 4 ways to improve writing skills - Study24us

Writing is one of the productive skills of a language. It is the measurement of creativity of an individual. So, having good writing skills can make the individual stand apart from the rest both in academics and in real life. In order to improve writing skills, the following are some tips that can help anyone to become a better writer.

1. Reading: Reading can be considered as input that can generate the right output in the form of writing. People underestimate reading, which causes them to get stuck even though they have enough knowledge of language and its structure. Reading can broaden the ideas and help improve vocabulary as well.

2. Vocabulary: Having a good amount of vocabulary can help the writer express the thoughts and ideas in a proper way and in fewer words. 

3. Avoiding Subjectivity: It means to stop using personal pronouns and rather use words that can generalize an idea like it is perceived or it is believed instead of I believe or I consider.

4. Using Connectors: Connectors are words that are used to create flow in the writing. These are words like so, moreover, and in contrast, etc. Connectors make the writing formal and help the writer to connect the ideas.

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