SQ3R Reading Method - five steps: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review - Study24us

 SQ3R is a reading method or a strategy, which was introduced by American educational philosopher Francis P. Robinson in 1946 in his book Effective Study. This method consists of five steps: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. 

1. Survey: Survey means to quickly go through the name of the chapter and all the sub-headings given in the chapter, which the reader wants to study. Additionally, the reader also has to glance over the figures, illustrations, or any graphs in the chapter as well. The process of survey can also be applied to the entire book as well in the same way by going through the index and chapters. It must be noted that the reader should not start reading at this point.  

2. Question: In this part, the reader has to make questions regarding the contents of the chapter. It can be regarding the purpose or the meaning of something mentioned in the text. It helps in building interest and makes reading enjoyable as well. 

3. Read: After making questions, the reader should start reading the chapter and keep in mind the questions that he or she has come up with in order to answer them. In this way, the reader will be much more focused and not lose interest nor attention.

4. Recite: Once the reader is done reading, now the reader has to recite whatever he or she has read so far in his or her own words. It helps in improving memory and clarifies any doubts regarding what the reader has gone through so far.

5. Review: Reviewing is about going through the process of recalling in order to ensure that the reader has the important points and ideas in his or her mind. It can be done after reciting or later as well.

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