The Significance of Teaching Culture in EFL Classrooms: Enhancing Language Skills, Fostering Societal Understanding, and Exploring Literature

Importance of teaching culture in EFL Classroom:


Culture and language are interlinked with each other. So, understanding the culture helps the students of the language in different ways. It piques the interest of the learners to dive deeper into that language to uncover hidden things. So, it can be logically interpreted that teaching culture in the EFL Classroom can play a big role in polishing language skills. The following are some reasons behind the benefit of teaching culture in EFL Classrooms in detail.

Teaching culture helps students to understand change in language:

When students are exposed to the culture of the English people then they grasp the concept of how English has changed throughout the years and how it can further evolve. Not only this, but they learn about the influence of other people and languages on the English language.

Teaching culture helps the learners understand the society:

It is hard to develop communication with the English people even after learning the language when one can not sync with the norms and traditions of the English people.So, teaching about culture in EFL Classrooms can further narrow the gap between different societies and  it can also make it easier for non-natives to live in their society.

Teaching culture helps students to learn and understand literature:

Literature is the glue that combines culture and language together. It defines the culture of the language and even re-shape it by invoking new thoughts and revolutions in the society. So, when students are exposed to the culture, they learn about the literature of the language, which makes them aware of the changes in the society.


Teaching culture is EFL or in any other classroom has many benefits, as it opens doors to further understanding the language and society as well.  In addition ,it draws societies together and it also helps students to learn about the history of the language as well. 

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