Motivation and its types - Extrinsic motivation - Intrinsic motivation - How to overcome fear of failure?

Motivation is the result of your determination. It is what keeps you fastened to your goals and dreams, Pushes you forward, squeezes the hard work out of you, makes you surpass your limits. Whether Intrinsic or Extrinsic, motivation empowers you in times when it's hard to keep up with the competition, when it's frustrating to see yourself so desperate and helpless.

Extrinsic motivation:

In simple words, it is defined as the motivation we get from the outside world, whether it be someone's story or an event of our lives that fills us up with determination. 

Intrinsic motivation:

Intrinsic motivation can be defined as the motivation from the inside of a person due to an event of our lives, tragic or full of lessons, it fuels us from the inside and sets us ablaze to work even harder.

How to overcome failure?

The determination to keep on going and of not letting go of your dreams, even when things do not go the way we want them to go, is how we can overcome failure. 

Introduction: For some it is a nightmare, for others it is nothing more than a simple statement, but those who are in between these two extremes are the ones who not only come out of its claws, but also turn it into a spring board of motivation to reach further heights in the next try. 

Fear of failing: This is not something new for us, especially for us students who scratch their heads throughout the night to get desired marks or in some cases try to get enough marks to make it through.This fear of failing turns into a parasite of stress in those who are influenced by a certain someone who got perfect marks once, or by the society whose expectations stretch out as far as eye can see. 

Overcoming the fear, however, those who do not consider the expectations of society in the least and try their best not out of stress, but to improve themselves in ways they have dreamed of, they are the ones who are capable of turning even their failure into part of their successful legacy.

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