Note Taking techniques - Keeping a record - Being attentive - Advance Reading - Organizing your notes


Keeping a record:

It is in our nature to forget things after some time, especially with regards to our studies. Writing down notes is always helpful for remembering and revising the course. Whether on notebook or laptop having something to go through the lecture after the class is the foundation of studies.

Being attentive:

Staying active in the class helps tons when you want to take down notes; sometimes distractions can lead to losing the important points and also misinterpretations. To avoid these problems sitting near the front, or in the front row definitely helps in maintaining concentration on the lecture.

Advance Reading:

Going through the topic which will be discussed tomorrow in advance can help in focusing on main points even more which will help you in making great notes.

Organizing your notes:

Due to the flow of lecture it is common for students to write quickly with bad handwriting. In these cases using shorthand or abbreviations for terms that always appear more than others, like writing a symbol for "and" instead of writing the whole word, making your own handmade symbols if you do not know shorthand to substitute the words to easily write down notes in the class and make sense of them after you go through them. While making notes leaving a margin is always helpful, first it helps us to write any other important points outside the topic, or a question that comes to mind and it also saves us the trouble of flipping through pages when revising the notes.

Using some markers like sticky notes or pens of different colors to highlight main points in your notes will also help you. 

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