Boost Your Reading Skills: Top Strategies for Improved Comprehension - Study24us

Reading Comprehension:

Reading comprehension is a process of gathering information from a given text. It is not just about uncovering the meaning of words that are hard to understand, but it is also about understanding the ideas, themes, and information given in the text. It is one of the best ways to assess the reading skills and information gathering and recalling skills of an individual. There are a number of strategies to help the readers to sharpen their comprehension skills.

1. Making Predictions: While reading a passage, the reader has to try to predict the outcome or the result on the basis of the information that he or she has gathered so far. It helps in building interest and retaining the information. It can be done before the reading when the reader is about to start or it can also be done in the middle to draw conclusions. The reader can ask the questions regarding the theme of the passage and what will happen in the text before starting to read. Likewise, the reader can also do the same during the process of reading. It will also help the reader to increase the speed as well.

2. Using prior knowledge: In this strategy, the reader has to make connections between what is being read and what he or she has experienced. In this way it will be much easier to read the paragraph and recall information as it will have a connection between the life of the reader and the passage as well.

3. Visualization: This strategy involves the reader to create a mental image in the mind that will help the reader to not only recall the information, but also to gather every bit of information given in the text.

What are the factors that make reading hard for people?

Reading is one of the skills that makes a man complete intellectually. Reading is the sole reason why some people are so good at making sound arguments, and why some people have strong vocabulary, and language proficiency. However, it is not a piece of cake to read something, especially when the subjects revolve around philosophy, certain disciplines, and abstract topics. The following are reasons why reading is hard for so many people:

1. Lack of interest: No matter how good a topic may be and how easy it is, if the reader lacks the interest then there is nothing that can draw the attention of the reader towards the book or any reading material. 

2. Environment: Having the right environment can boost the focus of the reader in concentrating on the material. It can broaden the ideas of the reader and help the reader in making connections between the ideas as well.

3. The level of Understanding: Sometimes, it is hard for the reader to understand the book as it is far beyond the mental level of the reader. It either contains such deep ideas or analyses that it goes over the head of the reader.

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